“Act” means the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009);
“Anganwadi” means an Anganwadi Centre established under the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India;
“Block Elementary Education Officer” means the officer in charge for elementary education in a Block;
“child with disability” means a child covered under the definition of “person with disability” under clause (t) of section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995;
“Commissioner/ Director Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” means the Head of the Rajasthan Council of Elementary Education;
“Director, Elementary Education” means the Head of the Department of Elementary Education;
“District Elementary Education Officer” means the officer in-charge for elementary education in a district;
“District” means a revenue district of the State;
“Executive Committee” means a committee of the School Management Committee constituted for day-to-day management of a school;
“Primary School” means a school that imparts education from class I to class V;
“pupil cumulative record” means record of the progress of the child based on comprehensive and continuous evaluation;
“Rajasthan Non-Government Educational Institutions Tribunal” means a tribunal established by the State Government under the provisions of the Rajasthan Non- Government Educational Institutions Act, 1989;
“School Management Committee” means the committee constituted under section 21 of the Act;
“School mapping” means planning school location for the purpose of section 6 of the Act to overcome social barriers and geographical distance;
“Section” means section of the Act;
“State” means the State of Rajasthan;
“State Government” means the Government of Rajasthan;
“Upper Primary School” means a school imparting education between class I to VIII.
For More Details Visit The Official Website www.rte.raj.nic.in